“Reverie is not a mind vacuum. It is rather the gift of an
hour which knows the plentitude of the soul.”
Gaston Bachelard
This blog is begun, knowing the plentitude of the soul that
there is to be celebrated through meditation, and the crafts of writing and
sketching. I hope to gather perspectives
from among the arts and live here the joy that is to be had in a moment of
Pursuing clarity through writing whether one is in a
creative, academic or reflective pursuit of life will pave the way for action
springing from authentic desires and convictions. I believe this is one way, in a proverb, to
“guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Meditation is not for navel gazing; rather it can facilitate
the reconciling of the inner man and outer man, making him ready for action. A man who knows himself is like a musician
who has mastered his craft; he at once commands the notes and is ravished by
them. Slow artful living requires silence and
meditation, but this centering oneself makes life worth living, for, “The most
exhausting thing in life, I have discovered, is being insincere.” Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea
The art of the written word is a discipline and a pleasure
not often indulged in our digital generation. I will also be providing here
some delights in the art of bookbinding.
Writing allows us to interact with the inner man through the tangible
art of the hand written word, and a hand bound book contains many of the same
tactile joys…The connectedness to the earth, to humans, to friends, to the work
of our hands, and to unseen hope. There
is something missing when we do not write.
Indeed, I must agree with Hemingway when he says, “A writer must write
what he has to say, not speak it.”
Hi, Rachel. This is a beautiful blog. I like it a lot. She She